Thursday, July 5, 2012

Update and Independence Day!

Hello Everyone! Its been a while since we last posted. We have been busy and enjoying the SUN! We are not used to the SUN, its been an average of 94 degrees for the past 3 weeks!

Peter got his wisdom teeth pulled. Don't worry he is still super smart and full of wisdom! He has been playing on his squadron's baseball team! He is loving his job as security forces-convoy!

Malachi has been busy with all of his new neighborhood friends! He is learning new words and is doing great with the move!

Nicole has been busy helping the neighbors water their lawns and flowers when they go on vacation. She is busy keeping the house in order, and helping Peter and Malachi!

We love all the new awesome friends we have made. We have been going to a BBQ almost every weekend and going to our new church!

We had a wonderful relaxing and fun 4th! We went to our new friends Michelle and Joel's house for a delicious BBQ. We were so happy that our neighbor Danielle and her daughter Payten were able to join us too! (We had to say goodbye to her hubby Jamison on the 3rd. He will be gone for 6 months.) After that we all came back to our place for games, watched fireworks, and had great conversations! We were not able to set off any fireworks here in Cheyenne because of all the fires in Wyoming and Colorado. Its been so dry from the heat! We are praying for the safety off the firemen and women, and for the fires to be done with soon! Hope everyone had a great 4th and was full of the 5 F's; family, friends, food, fun, and of course fireworks!! :)